vrijdag 27 april 2012

Publications 2011: Global private partnerships and social inclusion

1. At www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpvUIOV4sXI, you can see the book announcement on Value Chains by professor Bert Helmsing and dr Sietze Vellema. After the introduction to the book, you can read my article, together with Joy Clancy, on social inclusion in value chains: Hospes, O. and Clancy, J. 2011. Unpacking the discourse on social inclusion. In: Helmsing, B. and Vellema, S. (eds). Value chains, inclusion and endogenous development: contrasting theories and realities. Routledge Press, pp. 23-41.
2. One of the articles in the first book on private food law edited by prof. Bernd van der Meulen is: Hospes, O. 2011. Private law making at the round table on sustainable palm oil. In: B.M.J. van der Meulen (eds.). Private food law. Wageningen Academic Press, pp. 187-201. The article can be downloaded from: http://www.wageningenacademic.com/_clientFiles/download/EIFL-06-e.pdf
3. A telling story (for Dutch readers only) on the love-hate affair of the Indonesian government with the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil, Hospes, O. 2011. Besturen tussen globale en nationale schaal: de casus van de Ronde Tafel over Duurzame Palmolie. Bestuurskunde(4): 38-46. In the forthcoming book (at Wiley Publishers) on scaling and governance, the tension between the RSPO and public authorities will be newly explored with the concept of scale frames.

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